Audi-museoon Ingolstadtiin on taltioitu kummallisen näköinen pikkuauto. Museossa vierailevalle (ja näitä kuvia katsovalle) saattaa tulla yllätyksenä, että konseptimaisesta ulkonäöstään huolimatta se oli hyvin vähällä päätyä tuotantoon.
Auton nimi on NSU Autonova GT ja sen tarina alkoi vuonna 1965, jolloin journalisti Fritz B. Busch muodosti Team Autonovan
kahden autosuunnittelijan, Michael Conradin ja Pio Manzun kanssa. Tai oikeastaan tarina alkoi jo aiemmin, sillä Busch oli pitkään ollut sitä mieltä että markkinoilla olisi tilaa edulliselle urheilulliselle autolle.
NSU myönsi Autonovalle 60 000 saksanmarkkaa kehitystyötä varten. Se sekä mahdollisuus käyttää Prinz 1000TT -mallin moottoria ja muuta tekniikkaa helpotti urakkaa huomattavasti, ja ajokelpoinen prototyyppi valmistui pian. Auto oli pieni: 375 senttiä pitkä, 155 senttiä leveä ja 120 senttiä korkea. Painoa oli 735 kiloa.
NSU:n 1-litrainen moottori oli sijoitettu taka-akselin taakse. Vaikka myllyssä oli tehoa vain vaatimattomat 54 hevosvoimaa, se riitti antamaan kevyelle ja aerodynaamiselle ajopelille vähintään ripeän suorituskyvyn. Huippunopeus oli 170 kilometriä tunnissa - vain 5 km/h vähemmän kuin Porsche 356:n.
Autonova GT:n ulkomuoto oli todella moderni sammakkomaisine ajovaloineen ja koriin integroituine puskureineen (auton keulaa sopiikin verrata Porschen 924- ja 944-malleihin), mutta sisätiloissa ei ollut hienouksia: Yksinkertainen mittaristo, kolmipuolainen ratti, kojelaudan päälle istutettu taustapeili, keskikonsoli sekä hansikaslokero.
GT esiteltiin yleisölle Frankfurtin autonäyttelyssä 1965 ja siitä tuli välitön hitti. NSU:n tekemä kysely osoitti että mikäli autoa myytäisiin 8000 markan hintaan (noin kaksi kertaa VW Kuplaa kalliimmalla), sille riittäisi ostajia. Prototyypin muokkaaminen tuotantokuntoon sai kuitenkin äkkilopun, sillä NSU:n talous oli kehnossa jamassa.
Vaikka GT:ssä olisi käytetty edullista, jo olemassaolevaa tekniikkaa sen kori olisi ollut työläs (ja kallis) valmistaa. NSU oli vastikään joutunut maksamaan Fiatille tuntuvat korvaukset Neckar-nimen käytöstä, Wankel Spider -mallin kehitystyö oli niellyt rahaa ja lisäksi futuristisen Ro80:n suunnittelu oli jo aloitettu. Yhtiöllä ei yksinkertaisesti ollut resursseja saattaa pikku GT:tä tuotantokuntoon.
Niinpä auto päätyi varastoon ja unohduksiin. Volkswagen puolestaan osti NSU:n vuonna 1970. Autonova-kolmikon Pio Manzu, tunnetun kuvanveistäjä Giacomo Manzun poika, työskenteli Fiatille vuodesta 1967 ja muotoili legendaarisen 127:n, mutta ei ehtinyt nähdä luomustaan tuotannossa. Lahjakas nuori muotoilija kuoli vain kolmikymppisenä auto-onnettomuudessa vuonna 1969.
Canceled at the last minute
There is a strange looking little car in the Audi museum of Ingolstadt. For someone visiting the museum (or looking at the pictures above) it may come as a surprise, that despite the conceptish appearance the car almost made it to the production.
This oddity of a car is named NSU Autonova GT and it`s story began in 1965 when a journalist named Fritz B. Busch founded Team Autonova with automotive designers Michael Conrad and Pio Manzu. Or actually it might be said that the story began even earlier, because Herr Busch had for a while been in the opinion that there was room in the market for an affordable, sporty car.
The NSU company granted Autonova 60 000 Deutsche marks for developing the car. The money and the opportunity to use the engine and other components of NSU Prinz 1100 TT made the effort comparatively easy, and a completely functional prototype was soon finished. It was a small car: 375 centimeters long, 155 centimeters wide and 120 centimeters high. The weight was 735 kilograms.
The one-liter NSU motor was located behind the rear axle. Although the output was only 54 hp, it was enough to give the aerodynamic and light vehicle a respectable performance. Top speed was 170 kilometres per hour - only five kilometres less than a Porsche 356.
Despite the super modern appearance with the frog-like headlights and integrated bumpers (one might want to compare the front end design to Porsche 924 and 944) there were no frills in the cabin: A simple dashboard with only a few meters and a rear view mirror on top, three-spoked steering wheel, a center console and a glove box.
Autonova GT was presented to public in Frankfurt auto show, 1965 and it was an instant hit. NSU made a survey among the visitors and found out that if the car was sold at a price of 8000 DM (twice the price of a VW Beetle) it would attract buyers. But developing the prototype into a production model came to a halt, because NSU`s financial situation was dire.
Even though the mechanical components were affordable and plentiful, the body would have been difficult and expensive to produce. NSU had to pay heavy compensation to Fiat for using the name Neckar in it`s vehicles, the design work of Wankel Spider had taken it`s financial toll and the production of the futuristic Ro80 had just begun. NSU simply couldn`t afford to develop the little GT into a production model.
So, the car was stored away and forgotten. Volkswagen bought NSU in 1970. Pio Manzu, one of the three men behind Autonova and the son of a renowned sculptor Giacomo Manzu, worked for Fiat since 1967 and designed the iconic 127. The gifted young designer never saw his most famous creation in production because he died in a car accident in 1969. He was only 30 years old.
Canceled at the last minute
There is a strange looking little car in the Audi museum of Ingolstadt. For someone visiting the museum (or looking at the pictures above) it may come as a surprise, that despite the conceptish appearance the car almost made it to the production.
This oddity of a car is named NSU Autonova GT and it`s story began in 1965 when a journalist named Fritz B. Busch founded Team Autonova with automotive designers Michael Conrad and Pio Manzu. Or actually it might be said that the story began even earlier, because Herr Busch had for a while been in the opinion that there was room in the market for an affordable, sporty car.
The NSU company granted Autonova 60 000 Deutsche marks for developing the car. The money and the opportunity to use the engine and other components of NSU Prinz 1100 TT made the effort comparatively easy, and a completely functional prototype was soon finished. It was a small car: 375 centimeters long, 155 centimeters wide and 120 centimeters high. The weight was 735 kilograms.
The one-liter NSU motor was located behind the rear axle. Although the output was only 54 hp, it was enough to give the aerodynamic and light vehicle a respectable performance. Top speed was 170 kilometres per hour - only five kilometres less than a Porsche 356.
Despite the super modern appearance with the frog-like headlights and integrated bumpers (one might want to compare the front end design to Porsche 924 and 944) there were no frills in the cabin: A simple dashboard with only a few meters and a rear view mirror on top, three-spoked steering wheel, a center console and a glove box.
Autonova GT was presented to public in Frankfurt auto show, 1965 and it was an instant hit. NSU made a survey among the visitors and found out that if the car was sold at a price of 8000 DM (twice the price of a VW Beetle) it would attract buyers. But developing the prototype into a production model came to a halt, because NSU`s financial situation was dire.
Even though the mechanical components were affordable and plentiful, the body would have been difficult and expensive to produce. NSU had to pay heavy compensation to Fiat for using the name Neckar in it`s vehicles, the design work of Wankel Spider had taken it`s financial toll and the production of the futuristic Ro80 had just begun. NSU simply couldn`t afford to develop the little GT into a production model.
So, the car was stored away and forgotten. Volkswagen bought NSU in 1970. Pio Manzu, one of the three men behind Autonova and the son of a renowned sculptor Giacomo Manzu, worked for Fiat since 1967 and designed the iconic 127. The gifted young designer never saw his most famous creation in production because he died in a car accident in 1969. He was only 30 years old.
NSU:n loppuvaiheisiin liittyy kaikenlaista mielenkiintoista. Ro80 oli ensimmäinen malli suunnitellussa kokonaisessa mallisarjassa, jonka mallinimissä kirjaimet kuvastivat moottorityyppiä (Ro = wankel, K niinkuin Kolben = mäntämoottori) ja numerot alkuperäisen version hevosvoimia.
VastaaPoistaSeuraavaksi oli tulossa K70. Koriltaan hyvin moderni auto, mutta konepellin alla näkymä erillisine venttiilikoppineen paljasti sukulaisuuden takamoottori-NSU:iden kanssa.
Volkswagen osti NSU:n eikä NSU K70:tä ehditty saada tuotantoon. Mutta hetken tuumaustauon jälkeen Volkswagen ottikin auton tuotantoon muuttamatta edes mallinimeä ja näin oli syntynyt ensimmäinen etuvetoinen Volkkari, Volkswagen K70.
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